The balance scale is a common symbol for justice, often associated with the figure of Lady Justice. This symbol has a rich history, deeply rooted in ancient mythology and legal traditions. Here are some key points explaining why the balance scale represents justice and its ritual history:
- Ancient Origins:
- Egyptian Mythology: One of the earliest associations of scales with justice comes from ancient Egypt. The god Anubis is often depicted weighing the hearts of the deceased against the feather of Ma’at (the goddess of truth, balance, and order) in the Hall of Ma’at. This ritual determined whether the deceased could enter the afterlife, emphasizing the concept of balance and fairness in judgment.
- Greek Mythology: Themis, the Greek goddess of justice, is often portrayed holding a balance scale. Themis represented divine order, law, and custom, and the scales symbolized the weighing of evidence and impartiality.
- Roman Influence:
- Lady Justice (Justitia): The Romans adopted and adapted Greek traditions. Justitia, the Roman goddess of justice, is depicted with scales, a sword, and sometimes a blindfold. The scales represent the weighing of evidence and the need for a balanced and fair judgment. The sword symbolizes the power and authority of the law, while the blindfold, which was a later addition, represents impartiality and objectivity, indicating that justice should be applied without bias or prejudice.
- Medieval and Renaissance Iconography:
- During the medieval and Renaissance periods, the imagery of Lady Justice with her scales became widespread in Europe. This period saw the codification of laws and the establishment of legal systems that sought to embody the principles of fairness and equity symbolized by the scales.
- Symbolism:
- Balance and Impartiality: The scales symbolize the weighing of evidence in a balanced manner, reflecting the idea that justice should be administered impartially and fairly.
- Equality: The scales represent the concept that all individuals are equal before the law and that justice should not favor any side.
- Truth and Fairness: The act of weighing evidence is a metaphor for the pursuit of truth and the need for careful consideration before reaching a judgment.
The use of the balance scale as a symbol of justice has persisted throughout history, becoming a universal emblem of the judicial system and the principles of fairness, equity, and impartiality that it strives to uphold.

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